Question about comic making and copyrights.

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Tyelca's avatar
So uhh, I think I have to start from the beginning so you get the idea what I mean.

I love comics and have been wanting to make one for a.. well, a very long time already. But I have this problem that I'm not very good writer (actually I'm quite horrible at that.. : D) and to me it's very hard to came up with good and interesting stories/scripts. I'm more like the person who would like to draw comics, but with script/story which is written by someone else.

And now we come to my question.
I have been reading very good book lately and now I was wondering that would I be violating copyright rules if I make a comic which is based to that book? I mean like that if I use the book as a script to that comic. I know that if I do it just to my own amusement and experiment it's ok, but what if I would like to show it on internet? For example here or Smack Jeeves, ect.? And I also know that if I would publish it and sell it, THEN it would be against the copyright rules, but of course I have NO intentions to do like that. I just would like to do it for fun and for experiment, like I said before.

But what do you think, is that okay or not?
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schorpser's avatar
Mää voin keksiä sulle idean!!

Mutta niin - eikö joku oma juttu olis kivempi kun sää saat suunnitella sen itse alusta loppuun. Keksiä hahmot, niiden luonne ja miten se näkyy ulkonäössä kaikki vaatteet jne..

Totta kai se on niin että mistä itse tykkää eniten niin sillä lailla sitten kannattaa tehdäkin : D

Mutta heii :D sullahan on yks sarjis kesken. Kaikki naiset 8DDD